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S3W PhD Program - Call for Applications - Ordinary and Pegaso fellowships

The call for applications for 3 ordinary scholarships and 3 Pegaso scholarships for the PhD in Social Sciences for Sustainability and Wellbeing has been published. The application deadline is August 5, 2024, at 12:00 (midday Italian time).



S3W PhD Program - Call for Applications - PNRR fellowships

The first 2024 call for applications of the S3W PhD program is now open (40th cycle). In this first call we are advertising 3 positions with scholarships EX D.M. 629/2024 and D.M. 630/2024. The deadline for applications is the 12th of July 2024 at 12:00 (midday Italian time). A second call for applications will open at the beginning of July.


Proiezione Docu-Film

Proiezione Docu-Film

Food for Profit Proiezione aperta - Venerdì 3 Maggio 2024 ore 16.45 (con sottotitoli in inglese) - Polo delle Scienze Sociali di Novoli Edificio D6 - Aula Magna 0.18


Dalla teoria alla pratica per difendere l’ambiente!

Dalla teoria alla pratica per difendere l’ambiente!

La partnership prevede una stretta collaborazione tra Alia Multiutility Toscana e il dottorato in ‘Social Sciences for Sustainability and Wellbeing’.


Ranking of the interviews

Ranking of the interviews

The rankings of the interviews have been published. To access them, please visit the section "Call for applications" on this website.
The overall rankings, including both the assessment of the qualifications and the interviews, will be available soon.


S3W PhD Program - Call for Applications - Additional fellowships

S3W PhD Program - Call for Applications - Additional fellowships

The call for applications of the S3W PhD program is now open (39th cycle). We are advertising 11 additional positions with fellowships (Scholarships EX D.M. 117/2023 - D.M. 118/2023 PNRR). The deadline for applications is the 11th of August 2023 at 12 (midday).


S3W PhD Program - Call for Applications

S3W PhD Program - Call for Applications

The call for applications of the S3W PhD program is now open (39th cycle). We are advertising 5 positions with fellowships. The deadline for applications is the 4th of August 2023 at 12 (midday).


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